Legal Notice

The website as updated from time to time is published by:
12, rue de Châtillon – 75014 PARIS – France
Paris Commercial and Companies Registry identification number: 480 189 208
Share capital: 1 198 413 Euros
Intra-Community VAT identification number: FR 72 480 189 208
Contact : +33 (0)1 81 93 88 73
Publication Manager: Monsieur Aurélien TIGNOL
OVH 2 rue kellermann BP 80157 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1 – France Hotline: 0 820 698 765
Article 1 – Purpose
The purpose of the present conditions (hereinafter « the Conditions ») is to define the terms and conditions on which the Publisher makes the Website available to Users and how Users are granted access to the Website.
Any connection to the Website is subject to compliance with the present Conditions.
By accessing the Website, Users are deemed to accept the Conditions contained herein.
Article 2 – Definitions
« Web Host » shall mean OVH, a French company registered with the Commercial and Companies Registry of Roubaix-Tourcoing under the number 424 761 419 00045, whose registered office is located at ROUBAIX CEDEX 1.
« Publisher » shall mean EDGYN SAS, a French company registered with the Commercial and Companies Registry of Paris under number 480 189 208, whose registered office is located at 12, rue de Châtillon – 75014 PARIS – France.
« Website » shall mean
« User » shall mean any individual using the Website.
Article 3 – Access to the Website
Access to the Website is given, free of charge, to any User having access to the internet. The User shall bear all costs incurred in relation with access to the Website, i.e. the costs of hardware, software and of access to the Internet. The User is solely responsible for the operation of its computer and of its access to the internet.
The Publisher reserves the right to unilaterally refuse access to the Website, without prior notification, to any User breaching these Conditions.
The Publisher shall use all available reasonable means to ensure quality access to the Website but is not bound by any performance obligation.
The Publisher is not liable for any network or server malfunction or any other event beyond its reasonable control which may prevent or limit access to the Website.
The Publisher reserves the right to interrupt, temporarily suspend or modify access to all or part of the Website without notice, in order to proceed with maintenance of the Website or for any other reason, and such interruption will not entail any obligation or compensation.
Article 4 – Intellectual Property Rights
This Website, as well as any software used in relation with this Website, may contain confidential information protected by applicable laws governing intellectual property. Therefore, unless otherwise stated, the copyright of documents contained on this Website, and of each element designed for this Website, belongs exclusively to the Publisher. The Publisher does not grant any license or right other than the right of Users to visit the Website. All copyright and other intellectual property rights mentioned on this Website belong exclusively to the Publisher.
The reproduction of any documents published on the Website is authorized for strictly personal and private use only. Any other reproduction or other use of copies made for any other purpose is expressly prohibited.
It is strictly prohibited to copy, alter, create derivative works, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise attempt to locate the source code of software (except as provided for by law) or to sell, assign, sub-license or transfer in any way the rights attached to the software.
It is also forbidden to modify the software or to use modified versions of the software, particularly but not exclusively in order to obtain unauthorised access to the Service or to access the Website through an interface other than that provided by the Publisher.
Article 5 – Hyperlinks
The Website may include links to other websites or Internet sources (hereinafter « the Hyperlinks »). The Publisher does not control these external sites and sources.
Consequently, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for these sites or external sources and disclaims liability for the content, advertising, products, services or any other item available on these sites or external sources.
Furthermore, the Publisher is not liable for any loss or damage, caused or allegedly caused by, or arising in connection with, the use of or reliance on content, products and services made available on these sites or external sources.
Article 6 – Private data
The Publisher undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of any private information and data provided online by the User. The provision of private information and data by the User to the Website implies full acceptance by the latter of the information protection policy (privacy policy) hereinafter described. This privacy policy shall apply to all private data supplied by Users on the Website.
6.1 Information collected by the Publisher and the recipients of this data
The Publisher may collect, register and use the following types of private information:
a) The information collected on the User’s computer and during its visits to the Website (notably: IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, computer operating system, reference source, time spent on the Website, pages viewed, navigation on the Website);
b) All information communicated by the User to the Publisher via the contact form.
c) All information that the user communicates to the Publisher via a mobile application created by EDGYN.
The recipients of the information collected by the Publisher are the people in charge of the marketing department, commercial department, customer relationship and prospecting services, administrative services, logistics and IT departments, as well as their managers.
Purpose of the processing: the data is collected for commercial purposes or during user account creation for the use of an EDGYN mobile application.
Legal basis: this data is stored solely with the agreement of the user (consent).
Period of data storage in the live database: 5 years.
Data processor
The personal information collected on the EDGYN website, via a mobile application created by EDGYN or during your prospecting is processed exclusively by:
12, rue de Châtillon
75014 Paris – France
Right of the individual
In accordance with the French law on computing, data files and civil liberties (CNIL) of 6 January, 1978 amended or the GDPR, you are entitled to access, correct and delete your personal information.
To exercise this right and obtain access to the information concerning you, please contact:
6.2 Cookies
A “cookie” is a small text file which, subject to the consent of the User, is sent and temporarily stored on a Web server on a dedicated part of the hard disk of the User’s computer (hereinafter a “Cookie”). A Cookie enables the Publisher to identify the User’s computer during the validity period of the relevant Cookie. The Publisher may solely have access to and modify the information contained in the Cookie.
This site does not use any cookie.
6.3 Securing data
The Publisher undertakes to take all appropriate measures to preserve the security and confidentiality of Users’ personal data, so that it will not be altered, damaged or shared with a third party without permission.
Personal data supplied by Users is recorded on the Web Host’s secured servers.
However the transfer of personal data via Internet is by nature insecure and the Publisher cannot fully guarantee the security of the data transferred by this media. Consequently, the Publisher warns Users against the potential risks involved in the operation and use of the Website.
Article 7 – Liability of the Publisher
The Publisher shall make all reasonable efforts to maintain the information on the Website accurate and up-to-date, but reserves the right to modify the content at all times without notice. The Publisher makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the information on the Website, including the Hyperlinks or any other electronic link directly or indirectly available from the Website. The User is responsible for verifying the accuracy of the information via auxiliary means, and notably by directly liaising with the Publisher.
As a consequence, the Publisher shall assume no liability for:
– Any inaccuracy or omission in the content of the Website;
– Any inability to access the Website ;
– Any occurrence of bugs;
– Any mistake relating to the content available on the Website;
– Any damages resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party causing a change of the information available on the Website,
– Any loss or damage caused by unauthorized or illegal changes made to the content of the Website;
– And more generally, any direct or indirect loss or damage, regardless of the reason, the origin, the nature or the consequence thereof, resulting from the access, or the impossibility to have access to the Website and/or the use of the information directly or indirectly available on the Website.
Article 8 – Amendments
The Publisher reserves the right to amend the present Conditions at any time and without notice to adapt them to changes of the Website, and/or of its method of operation.
The Publisher shall make is best efforts to inform the Users of these changes by means of a special message posted on the Website.
Article 9 – Governing Law
The Website and these Conditions are governed by French law. In the event of any dispute and if all attempts to reach an amicable solution fail, the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
For any question relating to the present Conditions, please send your written request to the following address:
12, rue de Châtillon
75014 Paris – France
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