All your brand protection data in one place, in real time


Our Brand Protection EDGYN CARE Platform is an online cloud-based digital platform that will allow you to collect all the data on your brand protection and anti-counterfeiting  program in one place, in real time. Our brand protection solution provides effective security management and protect your brands.

It will allow your team to easily access and collect all information and data in relation to the implementation of your brand protection solutions, the traceability of your products and the verifications made in the field.

Enabling you to be more efficient in monitoring the risk of counterfeiting or grey market, in your fight against illicit trade, and in the optimization of your supply chain.


  • Monitor the implementation of your brand protection program

    Visualize in real time which and how many products are serialized or protected, on which production lines, in your own sites, or at your 3rd parties. Verify your brand protection strategy and solutions are properly implemented.

  • Get access to all product verifications

    Collect the results and location of every scan and verification of your products made by your inspectors, your partners or your customers. View and analyze where and when illicit products are detected. Get real time automatic security alerts on counterfeited or diverted products.

  • Visualize your supply chain

    Visualize product flows and inventories across your supply chain. Identify aging inventories. Make queries per product to access to traceability information of suspicious products.


What is smart brand protection and how does it work?

At Edgyn, we have developed a comprehensive strategy for safeguarding brands against the risks of illicit trade and counterfeiting. This strategy is designed to provide our clients with a competitive, smart advantage over counterfeiters. This is why we have chosen to brand it smart. Our program offers a range of brand enforcement and protection services, from product serialization to authentication tools. We leverage cutting-edge technologies to monitor, detect, and respond to potential threats from illicit actors in real time. By implementing our strategy, brands working with us can proactively and sustainably mitigate the negative impact of counterfeiting on their reputation and business.

Contact us

Contact us to learn more about how our Brand Protection Analytics Platform can help you optimize your brand protection strategy.